DIN6F (female) looking at the cable: __ __ / U \ / 5 1 \ | 6 | \ 4 2 / \ 3 / ----- 1 & 2: ~6V VAC 8-pin round cable is called 8-pin MiniDIN Pinout is: (male version) __ __ / U \ / 8 7 6 \ | 5 4 3 | \ 2 1 / \ / ----- It's RJ45 on the other end GND == 7 (brown + white) 5V == 8 (brown) TXD == 3 (blue + white), only as RS232 It works! Powers on, prints "Hello World". ** I am using 4.7 uF capacitors, which the datasheet does _not_ endorse. Capacitance range specified is 0.1 uF - 1 uF. THIS WORKS ON 5V USB MacBook Pro port. Omg ???????????????????? // Copied from the manual 1. DCD (tied to pins 4&6) 2. NC 3. TXD from PC 4. DTR (tied to pins 1&6) 5. Ground 6. DSR (tied to pins 1&4) 7. RTS (tied to pin 8) 8. CTS (tied to pin 7) 9. NC